Wednesday, April 19, 2006

D Day

Well its finally here. The day I became a man. Oh wait, that was back in the 90's during high school. Actually its the day I became a grown up. Papers are signed and all is payed for and now the big bitch of a place is mine. Today was the day I took ownership of my first house. I've gone into this subject somewhat already. So I won't go into the pane of this. It is exciting and all that stuff.
My problem today was with the lawyer fees and crapola. I go there and we get through all the signing of retarded documents. Yippy. Then we get into the money thing. He then tells me that a personal cheque is not good enough. It has to be certified or a draft. Whatever they call it these days. So by that time it was already 10:30 or so. So I had to go across the chocolate river and go into the bank to get the draft and then go back across it to drop it off. Then I had to head into work. Arrived there by about 11:15 - 11:30. Plan was to get back to work at 10. As you can tell that plan failed. Since the day had started off so badly I decided to keep it going. Again that wasn't the plan but thats what happened. It ended up being "the least productive day since I've been working here".
I'll give a big thumbs up to the real estate agent and the contractor. They were the easiest to deal with throughout this whole process. Coming back to fix up the hardwood floor proves what he's like. Plus the bottle of wine from one of the agents makes me happy. Its gonna be a good nights sleep.
Couple of other little things I want to mention at this time. Some NCAA reviews have been coming out about new features. So far those new additions seem positive. Next thing on the list in GO HABS GO.

Kiss my ass Washington, Toronto and any other team I can't stand. Have fun golfing. Next year at least show up to play the god damn game.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Outsourcing. When the Simpsons did an episode on outsourcing, I couldn't help but laugh. To some who are not directly affected by this, the episode might not have been that funny.
Paraphrase of Mr. Burns: "your job won't be loss. It will just be done by someone else in India." How true how true. It might be somewhat true that jobs are not loss. The problem is that new jobs are not created. It's unfortunate but its just a matter of business these days.

Real life can be funnier than made up crap on T.V. Some of the best episodes recently of the simpsons have been on real issues. Outsourcing, Gay Marriage, American Idol, Drug Smuggling.

When Homer told the workers in India of overtime, pensions, sick days, etc... it might not have seemed that funny to a regular viewer. But to me it was hilarious cause its true. These things that seem so normal to North Americans are not common practice in these outsourcing companies. Have all these luxuries that we take for granted made us lazy and complacent. This might be the case but with out these benefits we could be taken advantage of, like our counterparts in India.

With the negatives of outsourcing, there are also positives. The simpsons hinted to one of these. Moving nuclear plants and other industries that are bad for the environment can be good for North America. Decrease the smog and all the crap polution. I don't like polution anywhere but its a way of life and the farther away from me the better.

My opinion matters and yours doesn't.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Names. I like to give people certain names for a couple of reasons. Main reason for them is to make fun of those people. Example of this is "time tracking". Now this person had a bad habit of showing up to work between 9:30 and 10:30. Problem with that is, we start at 8:30. Actually the name is "time tracking manager" but I shortened it up a little.
The story: Since everyone and there dog wants to be a manager at work (myself not included) I gave myself the title of "Row 5 manager". Now others in the row have there titles. Assistant manager, international manager (he moved depts.) and then to figure out the role of one person the whole time tracking with Project server came to mind. So that person from that point on was known as the "time tracking manager".
The best part came when some of the "real" managers asked where she was. I couldn't lie to them, so I told them the truth of when she arrives. I was then thrown an easy one by a co-worker when they asked what I called this person. I couldn't resist and had to spit out the whole "time tracking". Now to see the expression on "tell a tubby" was priceless at this point. His face turned a bright red and then he started laughing. I think he tried to hold it in but he just couldn't. "FES" also had a little laugh. I would like to thank the person for throwing me that easy Grand Slam.

I'll end with the best name of all "DODO". Genesis said it all in there song with the same name. Here it is, enjoy.

Too big to fly, dodo ugly so dodo must die,
Doggo with fear on its side, can't change, can't change the tide.
Dog baiter, agitator, asking questions, says he wants to know why.
Ain't no reason that money can't buy.Mink he pretty so mink he must die, must die, must die.
Sun he giving life in his light,
Part of the system,
Friend to man, friend to the trees,
No friend to the snowman.
Where does he go, what does he do?
Does he meet with the mole, the stream, the cloud
And end up at the bottom of the sea.
ish he got a hook in his throat,
Fish he got problems
Where does he go, what does he do?
Does he hope he's too small, to poor a haul,
Who'll end up being thrown back in the sea.
I'm back in the sea.
Caretaker, horror movie,
Only one eye, only needs one boot,
Sweet lady, she knows she looks good
Vacuum coming for the bright and the brute.
Big noise, black smoke
So pig-headed couldn't see the joke.
But it ain't funny
Ask the fly on the wall
It's only living
It don't matter at all, at all, at all.
Pimp, he make you drool and grunt,
He got an answer.
One he got a dream of love,
Deep as the ocean.
Where does he go?
What does he do?
Will the siren team with Davy Jones,
And trap him at the bottom of the sea?
I'm back in the sea.
I'm back in the sea.
I'm back in the sea.

Monday, April 10, 2006


Well I recently underwent the 25 year screw of a lifetime and I purchased a house. Now to some this seems like a great big deal. To me on the other hand it just means I signed a contract to be broke for 25 years. Ya ya I know I get the point that I'm paying for it instead of renting. Hence the reason I bought the place. What I don't get is how people can enjoy dealing with all the little F'n headaches that come with them. It first started with picking out the counter tops, knobs, tiles, paint and carpet. I spent about an hour going over paint counter tops and tiles. Then come to find out what type of hardwood and carpet color you have makes a huge difference. Well that just threw out the last hour of picking crap. So that brings on about another 2 hours of discussions. It also leads to a trip the next day to Home Depot to look at some of this crap. BORING. Seriously who finds this stuff interesting. Well that was just one day. Then we get into the whole Cable, Phone, Internet debate. How does the telephone company think they can charge for "turning the jack on". What the F. They better Jack off is what I think. Then for digital cable the company doesn't give me a free preview. OK why would I want the same channels from regular cable plus more money on digital cable. I want digital so I can get special channels. One of those being the NFL network. I wanted to scream at this point. The only hook up fee that went easily was the power hook up. I'm just waiting for the move day. That should be rather interesting. Everyone has an opinion on lawyers so I won't get on that topic.

To start

Its very basic. This is a spot for me to say what I want. From personal interests to work. My view is the only one that matters to me at this point in time.