Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Shift in progress.

No time, no time, no time. Trying to make the shift to something else. It might be a slow process but I'm going for it. I've been reading some good info on what to do and not to do. We'll see what shiftbeyond.com has to offer in advice from others. That and I'm looking small first. Let's be realistic. I'm not going to dominate the world in a day. Maybe 2 but not 1.

Well lets see. What has happen since July. Hmmm. Completely screwed up my shoulder/neck and spent 2 and 1/2 months doing physio. Won't make that mistake again of flipping over the bike handlebars. That takes us to basically christmas. For those that did the math it might seem wrong. Silly me waited a long time before seeing a doctor. Oooops.

That was followed up by a few months of Battlefield 2 game play.

Bought a new living room set and since I had money left over in the budget, I got myself a XBox 360. Crackdown has been too much fun.
That takes us up to now basically.


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