Well I recently underwent the 25 year screw of a lifetime and I purchased a house. Now to some this seems like a great big deal. To me on the other hand it just means I signed a contract to be broke for 25 years. Ya ya I know I get the point that I'm paying for it instead of renting. Hence the reason I bought the place. What I don't get is how people can enjoy dealing with all the little F'n headaches that come with them. It first started with picking out the counter tops, knobs, tiles, paint and carpet. I spent about an hour going over paint counter tops and tiles. Then come to find out what type of hardwood and carpet color you have makes a huge difference. Well that just threw out the last hour of picking crap. So that brings on about another 2 hours of discussions. It also leads to a trip the next day to Home Depot to look at some of this crap. BORING. Seriously who finds this stuff interesting. Well that was just one day. Then we get into the whole Cable, Phone, Internet debate. How does the telephone company think they can charge for "turning the jack on". What the F. They better Jack off is what I think. Then for digital cable the company doesn't give me a free preview. OK why would I want the same channels from regular cable plus more money on digital cable. I want digital so I can get special channels. One of those being the NFL network. I wanted to scream at this point. The only hook up fee that went easily was the power hook up. I'm just waiting for the move day. That should be rather interesting. Everyone has an opinion on lawyers so I won't get on that topic.
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